Save wildlife,
end snare cruelty
Exposing the cruel reality of animals suffering in snares. It’s time to put an end to this barbaric practice, and save countless animal lives.
Labour to Ban Snares in England
After over 30 years of campaigning, we could be close to reaching a conclusion.
As reported in the Daily Mirror (07/06/2024), the Labour Party manifesto includes a commitment to end the use of snare traps.
Snares are already banned in Wales and Scotland, but the banning on the use of snares in England is long overdue and very welcome news for wildlife.
National Anti-Snaring Campaign
The NASC is the UK’s leading animal welfare organisation campaigning against the sale, manufacture and use of animal snares in the UK. Our investigations and research reveal the suffering of wildlife and domestic pets.
Our investigators help expose acts of cruelty to animals at great personal risk.
Snare Advice
We offer free advice if you have found an injured or dead animal in a snare.
We commission research to expose the claims of the shooting industry.
UK’s leading mammal expert shows a ban on snaring is the only way to protect animal welfare. The National Anti Snaring Campaign with the support of Animal Survival International has commissioned a major “Review of the use of Snares in the UK” by Professor Stephen Harris.
The anti-hunting activist Jordi Casamitjana looks at the issue of killing wildlife with snares, and how the campaigns to ban snaring are progressing.
History is made as Wales confirms ban on snares
Our 30 years of lobbying for a snare ban in the UK has brought its first success.
Animal Survival International
Thank you to Animal Survival International for their continued support and collaboration!