Home-made snares causing carnage
Fox snared in Sussex

West Sussex Wildlife Protection cage trapped a fox on 19th April 2021 with a snare around its neck at Cove Road, Rustington, West Sussex in April 2021. An examination of the snare showed it was made of a piece of garden wire bent into a noose. The fox has survived after treatment. A police investigation has not revealed the culprit, but roads have been leafleted to alert residents. Last year a fox was cage trapped a mile away in Goring with the same type of wire snare.
Cat snared in Leicester

On 7th May at Wigston, Leicester a cat named Oreo came home with a snare attached made using a drilled bent penny as the eye. The cat’s owner suspected the snare had been set on the Brabazon Road Allotment Site. The cat survived but suffered injuries that were treatable. The vet advised she contact NASC.

Police shame: The owner reported it to Leicestershire police who told her it was not a police matter. We contacted Leicestershire police and were told to contact the RSPCA. We came back strongly pointing out the snare design is a copy of a USA Bushcraft design for a locking snare and it is a police matter under WLCA 84 and Animal Welfare Act. Only then was a serial opened! We also contacted the council who own the allotments and they conducted a search of the allotments and found nothing, but have been very supportive and shocked by the incident.