Cat returns with home made snare around neck

Cat owner, Sarah Brown from Newcastle Under Lyme had a shock when her cat returned with a home made snare around its neck. The snare was made of strimmer wire and knotted in such a way that it would tighten as the cat pulled.

Luckily, “Obi” the cat managed to chew through the wire and escape. He was described by Sarah as, “ jumpy that evening, drinking lots and is on pain killers for his sore throat from the pulling and choking of the noose, but is otherwise fine.” Police and RSPCA have been informed.
Simon Wild from the National Anti Snaring Campaign said: “Any snare of this type without a stop can strangle and cause an offence under the Animal Welfare Act. I don’t know if it is an adult or teenager responsible, but do know some young people go on survival courses where they are taught improperly to use snares like this. They return home and think it fun to try it out in residential areas.”