Scotland – Ban Snares Campaign

The Scottish Government is currently deciding whether or not to ban snares and an announcement is expected within weeks. We believe a ban in Scotland can and should lead the way for the rest of the UK.

Snares are thin wire nooses used to trap animals. They are inhumane, indiscriminate and in use across much of Scotland. Once caught in a snare there is no escape. Imagine an animal’s fear. As it desperately struggles to free itself, the metal noose will tighten. Although designed to immobilise their targets, snares can inflict horrendous injury and in some case a slow lingering death.

Snares are intended to catch so-called ‘pests’ such as foxes and rabbits on some farms and sporting estates. In reality any animal is at risk from getting caught in a snare, including protected animals such as badgers, otters and mountain hares, other wild animals such as deer, farmed animals, and domestic cats and dogs.

An opinion poll has revealed that only 19% of the Scottish public are aware that snares are still legal. Most people presumed that they had already been banned. Once informed that snares are still legal, 75% of people thought they should be banned.

The Scottish Government is currently deciding whether or not to ban snares and the strength of public opinion will play an important role in this decision.