In Memory of Murphy, Lets Write Those Letters!

Murphy the dog was killed by a snare on the 22nd March 2018 on land leased and managed for shooting by the Weardale Estate in Nenthead, Cumbria.
Murphy ran into the snare, getting it caught in his jaw and died as a result. It could happen to anyone’s dog: think how terrible it would be if your dog died in a snare?
A major DEFRA study: “Determining the Extent of use and Humaneness of Snares in England and Wales” concluded in 2010. It showed snares were not acting as a holding device, but were causing death and serious injury to target and non-target animals. In the light of this, anyone setting a snare is acting with complete inhumanity.
Please spend a few minutes writing a letter to the head of Weardale Estate, telling him politely to BAN SNARES on their land. Mr Green (June 2018) has met Murphys’s owner, and knows all about this horrific incident.
Write to :
Mr Sebastian Green
Weardale Estates LTD
The Estate Office
Ozleworth Park
GL12 7QA