Consultation – Regulation of Trapping in the EU

The objective of this consultation is to get feedback from the general public on  what the public knows about trapping methods in general, thinks about harmonised standards for traps and the certification of traps as well as how important it would be to have EU wide rules on these issues.

The internet consultation will assist the European Commission in the decision making process when considering ways to implement obligations arising from an international agreement on humane trapping standards. The consultation should, however, not be considered an opinion poll or a forum for voting about these issues. The aim is to generate the widest possible range of views on these issues to inform the decision-making.

Questions in the online survey cover knowledge of practical wildlife management as well as opinions on regulating trapping, testing traps, approving of traps and on animal welfare aspects. This online survey, which will run until 16 March 2008, is done in a framework of a scientific study related to trapping.


In German: Trapping (pdf)

In English: Implementation of Humane Trapping Standard in the EU

Consultation on your attitude towards the regulation of trapping in the EU

UMFRAGE /QUESTIONNAIRE (nur in Englisch oder Franzoesisch)

Your attitude towards the regulation of trapping in the EU

This consultation runs from 16.12.2008 to 16.03.2009