Another horrible snare injury in Wales

A Silver Fox that must once have been a pet and had been living wild in Barry South Wales has had to have part of its leg removed after snares were set by its earth at church/building site near the Waterfront Medical Center Barry, South Wales. She was caught in the Barry, Wales at the Asda superstore.
The RSPCA has removed the snares and police are also investigating. The rescuers and vet believe the injuries are the result of trying to escape from the snare which the RSPCA said was twisted with hair matching the fox. The rescue team have named the fox Luna, and she will now be kept in captivity.

The Welsh Government’s will introduce a White Paper for an Agriculture Bill during the next Senedd term that will legislate on all aspects of the sale and use of snares.
We say only a total ban will prevent this cruelty, and English landowners and game shooting interests seem to rule Wales. The decent people of Wales need to fight cruelty with the same courage as Owain Glyndŵr!